Master of Business Administration 3+2


让你来到这里的是一种信念,即你可以通过工商管理硕士(MBA)在更高的水平上为世界服务。. We believe that, too.

Rinker School of Business

West Palm Beach



在PBA,我们了解并提供一对一的建议,帮助您在职业生涯中达到新的高度. You will be immersed in an environment that reflects your values, amplifies your skills and inspires you to follow your passions.

As a generalized business master’s degree program, the MBA includes preparation for leading an organization, managing in a diverse global context, thinking creatively, 在不确定的情况下做出正确的决定和正确的判断, and integrating knowledge across fields. 与我们的MBA课程相关的课程旨在提供作为总经理/企业主成功所需的知识. Six core concentrations are available through the MBA program, including: Accounting, Enterprise Systems, Finance, Marketing, and Project Management. 此外,还有双/联合MBA学位,包括PharmD、MDiv和全球发展硕士学位.

Accelerated (3+2 program)

这是MBA课程的加速版本,为您提供在五个学年内完成本科和MBA学位的能力. 3+2课程确保在你转入研究生阶段时自动满足所有本科的先决条件. 它为你提供了额外的好处,为两门本科课程提供双学分, 因此只需要30个MBA学分,而不是传统的36个学分.

Affordability & Accreditation

If you are looking for a fast, affordable and accredited MBA, Palm Beach Atlantic’s MBA degree program offered through the Marshall E. Rinker School of Business can prepare you for success in today’s global environment.


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Chart Your Path. Launch Your Future.

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“在PBA学到的知识增强了我的道德价值观,同时在面对逆境时保持了所需的透明和优雅.” – Jasmyne K. Powell ’17

What Can I Do with this Degree?

  • Sales Manager
  • Business Consultant
  • Financial Analyst
  • Management Analyst
  • Business Development Associate
  • Sales Representative

Program Details

Features of our leading MBA degree program

  • Flexible. Our MBA classes meet one night per week, 让你平衡你的家庭和工作承诺与你的教育目标.
  • Fast. 我们的速成课程可以让你在大约24个月内获得MBA学位.
  • Personalized attention. MBA classes are limited to no more than 25 students, 提高学习和与教师和其他学生的互动.
  • Affordable. PBA的学位课程具有竞争力的价格,这有助于你负担得起追随你的职业梦想.
  • Accredited. 我们的MBA课程获得了国际大学商业教育协会(IACBE)的认可。, 所以你可以放心,你的指导是有意义的和高质量的.
  • Rooted in faith. PBA的MBA课程注入了基督教的道德和价值观,为您提供在商业道德行为的坚实基础.

Our MBA program

  • 36 graduate credits that students complete in 24 months.
  • Choose from the Accounting, Enterprise Systems, Finance, 市场营销或项目管理的集中或选择从这些领域选择选修课程的一般程序.
  • 工商管理硕士课程提供工作日晚上在PBA的西十大赌博网站校区
  • 课程入学点为秋季(8月)和春季(1月),申请截止日期为, August 1 and December 1. Selected courses are offered during the summer term.
  • 学生可以将国际市场营销课程与每年五月安排的国际商务旅行结合起来,但需支付额外费用. Destinations change annually.

  1. 获得地区认可机构的工商管理学士学位或其他专业的学士学位,并成功完成财务会计基础商业课程, managerial accounting, microeconomics and statistics.
  2. Submit:
    • A completed online application 和$45不可退还的费用(点击下拉箭头选择研究生申请)
    • 授予学士学位的学院/大学和修过先决课程的学院/大学的正式成绩单
    • GMAT scores taken within the past five years
    • A current resume
    • Two letters of recommendation
  3. Faculty interview – Once candidates submit all required documents, 完整的申请由研究生招生委员会审查,以确定面试邀请.


Admissions decision and notification

申请人将在提交完整的申请后两周内收到研究生招生委员会决定的书面通知. To secure a spot in the Master of Business Administration program, accepted students must, no later than 30 days before classes begin, submit:

  • 不可退还的100美元押金,用于入学时的学费

Learn more about your classes and requirements in the course catalog.

Course Catalog

Estimated tuition for the MBA program is $24,898. *学费是根据完成学位所需的36学时计算的,每学分655美元,每学期290美元的资源费. This is based on a two-year, full-time degree plan.

Financial aid may include work study programs and student loans. Students must apply for financial aid each year at to determine eligibility. Contact with all financial aid questions.

Through faithful donors, PBA is able to offer a $4,为希望继续深造的学生提供10,000奖学金机会. The Joe J. Eassa Jr. Scholarship is available for MBA students. 联系林克商学院了解更多信息,电话:(561)803-2122.

*Cost based on 2019-2020 fee schedule and is subject to change. Additional fees including resource fees may apply.

West Palm Beach Admissions

Office of Admissions

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Phone: (561) 803-2100

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